My Canon DPP 4 Work-flow / Steps

A. File management

  1. Sub-folder in external drive: I create a new sub-folder in my external SSD PhotoBackup Folder. I name it based on the event and within this subfolder I create two subfolders called RAW and JPG

  2. Copy RAW files from card to folder "RAW: create in earlier step

  3. Launch DPP 4: I browse to the "RAW" folder in DPP4

B. Quick Check And Keep Only a few RAW files for final edit:

  1. I select all images and click quick check

  2. Rating: In quick check view, I rate

    • Pictures I want to keep with 5 star rating

    • Pictures I want to delete with Rejected flag

  1. Select by rating: I select files with rating Rejected only. DPP4 will auto select all Rejected RAW files

  2. Delete: Delete selected. DPP4 will show a count of files that will be deleted and prompt for confirmation. Click Yes after validating number of files deleted

C. Edit Image

  1. Select image and click Edit Image

  2. Lens Correction: I click the image lens correction and flag the Digital Lens Optimizer. Optional if data lens was not downloaded earlier, you will need to download it

  3. Basic Image Adjustment: White-balance to auto, Picture Style to portrait or landscape, Gamma adjustment to auto and in rare occasion I may need to slide the mid-point bar a bit, finally I adjust the Unsharp mask. My default is strength - 9, Fineness 4, Threshold - 2

  4. Image Details: I usually leave these to defaults and only open this tab if the images were shot at very high ISO and I need to tweak the noise reduction

  5. Image Colours: I use this feature to boost saturation of certain colours only. Example if I want to make the skies bluer, I will boost saturation of blue color. This is a powerful feature. Use sparingly for artistic purpose and do not go overboard with saturation. I seldom change the hue and luminance.

  6. Crop: I use this to crop to taste. Usually for landscape where I usually shoot wider than I intend to frame. Later I crop to rule of third. With the high resolution of camera and lens, I am willing to sacrifice a few pixels. The main advantage of doing this is when I frame the image, I keep the horizon levels parallel.

D. Save and batch process

  1. Save RAW edits: I select all files, and click save all to save my RAW file edits

  2. Batch Convert: I select all and click batch convert -> save as JPG's. For website I save 250 DPI, and 2056 pixel dimension. This results in each JPG approx 2MB in size

Periodically backup the entire photobackup to another drive for contingency purpose. Finally below are the screenshots of above steps

Create folder for RAW files and JPG Files and copy the card RAW files to the RAW subfolder

Launch DPP4 -> Browse To RAW folder -> select all

All files are selected -> click Quick Check Icon

Rate it 5 star if it is a keeper

Click right arrow icon to view next image

Set Reject flag if it is not a keeper. View next file, rate 5 star or Reject till final image is reviewed

Select Rejected files only

DPP4 select rejected files only

Delete selected files

DPP4 gives warning message. Validate number of files that will be deleted and then proceed to confirm if count is correct

Now only 5 star images remain

Select image and click Edit Image

PS: If you noticed, Ignore the total count of images in the status bar in edit mode. Long story: I updated my workflow based on feedback. Below screenshots are from previous workflow and hence shows a different count

Lens Optimizer

Basic Edits. I usually set picture style, press auto-gamma and do minor tweak to mid point gamma, and set unsharp mask to 9-4-2 (strength-fineness-threshold)

Details: I leave to defaults and only visit this if image was captured with very high ISO

Saturation - per colour. I find this is a powerful tool. Try not to go overboard though

Crop. I usually do not use other edit features. Then I click back and edit next and finish editing all other images

Then I select all (Edit -> Select All) and click File -> Batch Process

I point to final JPG's folder and reduce file size for website (usually 2056 pixel, and 250 DPI)

Export starts. Files are converted from RAW to JPG's with the edits made

JPG's in Final - JPG folder