Canon RF 100-500mm lens Review
I love this lens for its AF accuracy, portability, sharpness, colours, and contrast. It commands premium price for good reason and in my opinion well worth the price. The focal length covers a lot. It is lightweight for the focal length reach and build quality it offers. I carry this on my bicycle trips. Yes it is that portable for a lens that provides this amount of focal reach.
Sharp wide open
Fast AF
Accurate AF
Well built weather sealed
Fairly lightweight in its class
Excellent colours, contrast, bokeh, and rendering. Simply love it.
Minimum focus distance makes it a pleasure to use
Excellent image stabilization. Even with my RP. It is even better with newer bodies
Things to consider during your decision to buy this lens.
Price - it is pricy. In my opinion it is worth the money
Aperture at telephoto is f7.1. In real life at 500mm I anyway need to select narrower aperture otherwise the depth of field is too shallow. I do not consider this as a con
Nothing else. I love this lens. If you are into wildlife - this is a lens to add to your bag.